Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Hope. Trust. Control.

So I feel like I have been on a roller coaster since the last time I wrote.  Almost a month ago we came to you with an update, but more than that we were asking for prayer.  We needed you to support us and lift us up because like so many parts of this journey, we can not do it alone.  I know people all across the country have been praying for us.  A handful of you have been stuck dealing with all of my emotions...you are angels.  A few of you have been the ear we needed.  We talked through every step from one extreme to another.  All of those things led us to make a big decision...Colombia.  We are doing it!
I have heard for years, "write your plans in pencil, then give God the eraser."  Many times I have hated that statement.  I thought, "why didn't you let God write the plans to begin with?"  Yet, I am learning sometimes you think God is writing the plans...and maybe he is, but then there is a U-turn in the middle of the plans.
This change in plans means a little more waiting...and boy do I hate waiting.  I am absolutely terrible at it.  I whine a lot (sorry Tyler).  I get impatient.  And ultimately I have to let God be in control.  I am a control freak through and through.  It is part of who I am and has been for a long time.  So why did we choose adoption?  Well, I don't think we chose adoption.  I think adoption chose us...God chose us.  Because of that, I must let Him have control.
So He has led us to Colombia.  Due to the circumstances related to the country just now being an option for us, they have a lot of waiting children.  Many of these children are sibling groups, which is where our heart lies.  As much as I hate waiting, I know it hurts each of those children even more.  So as long as they wait...as long as there are children in need of homes, in need of families, we will wait. We will allow God to be in control and trust that He knows exactly what He is doing.  Because with God comes hope...and hope changes everything.

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