Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Now what?

I have been sitting here for at least 30 minutes trying to decide what exactly to write here.  In the end I've decided to just be open and honest.

Yesterday afternoon after sharing coffee with a dear friend, I decided to stop at Bethany Christian Services local office.  Tyler and I have been pretty sure we want to use Bethany for our adoption, however I had a few things I needed clarified first.  What better way to do that than just stop in, right? (This is one of the things I love about Bethany having an office right here in Knoxville!)
I came into the office, waited a few minutes and then was able to sit down with the international adoption specialist.  She was warm and friendly and ready to answer my questions.

So here is what I learned:
1. We can start most of the process and paperwork now!  Woohoo...this means less time between right now and when our children will be here with us!
2. We need to fundraise immediately (more details coming soon on our first major plan)
3.  We may need to make some changes to our plan.

In reference to number 3 - God laid Ethiopia on our hearts a while ago.  It has sort of been the plan since Tyler and I first confirmed that this was the path we would go.  We had also felt that we did not want children any older than 7 solely because so much can happen developmentally before that point.  However, due to referrals coming out of Ethiopia, Bethany is not accepting new families to adopt from Ethiopia unless they are willing to adopt over the age of 7.
This initial statement rocked my world.  Now what?  What about this plan we had?  So our options are to choose a different country or extend our age range.  So I'm asking you to pray.  Let it be abundantly clear what our path should be.  Also pray as we prepare to take our next steps - formal application, homestudy, and fundraising!  We are excited about this journey and excited to have you continue to partner with us.

Spirit lead me where your trust is without borders...

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