Wednesday, October 11, 2017

1 page & 2 pictures

A little over a year ago, while I was at work, I received an e-mail from our global agent T Bethany. She said she had a profile on two year old twins and asked if we were interested in reviewing it. I remember it being such a bittersweet moment. Just a few weeks before we had submitted a letter of intent on two boys. We had read and considered and prayed about these boys. When another letter of intent was accepted just a few hours before ours we felt hurt and even a little betrayed.
But this...we wanted children under age 5 And twins! I hurried to reply that we were interested. We received a one page summary...barely a page at that and 2 photos. By the time my husband got home, I think I had read that page a hundred times. I had researched big words I didn't know like Chiari malformation. I was ready. I knew in my heart these were out kids. It didn't take long before he agreed. So late that night, we wrote another letter of intent. And prayed.
I remember clear as day the agency coming to us and saying, we want to be very clear that he may never walk. Now I believe in a great big God. I know He is capable of all things. I also know there are things far worse than never walking.
Last weekend the little boy I wrote that letter about, received his first wheelchair.

He is so excited! He has freedom and mobility! Do I think he will never walk? I don't know. As any parent does, I hope and pray great, big things for him. Some days, walking is one of those.
But lately, I have spent more time praying God will show me how to navigate this world as a special needs parent. That I may learn how to best advocate for my son. I have been praying he might help me understand the vast world of Spina bifida. And I've been praying that my care and concern for my son with special needs may not overshadow my care and concern for his amazing sister.
There were so many things we did not and could not have known the day we received that short summary and photos. My son and daughter and both amazing, incredible, unique people. They are growing and developing and exceeding people's expectations. However, I am still confident that there are worse things...much worse things than never walking.

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