Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Day 5

We have been pretty real, raw, and honest so far. When I started writing our journey #1 it was more about me than you (sorry). Writing helps new process. #2 I promised that it wouldn't just be a highlight reel. If you were going to stick with us through this process, you were going to get everything. The good, the bad, and the ugly.
I don't see any reason to stop that now. Day 5 had some of all 3. We woke up with hopes of our Meeting Day being scheduled for the afternoon. We thought only 1 more person had to confirm in order to make that happen. That was not the case. Our legal two Sara was very quickly at ICBF advocating for both us and our children.
Over the weekend a new secretary of the committee was put into office. As often happens in the US, when someone gets a new job, things were not immediately communicated. A few other people at the regional office needed to send things to or communicate with the SoC yet failed to do so.
This is where our legal rep shines. She really is incredible! She made over a dozen phone calls and spent many hours at ICBF fighting for us. She made sure all the right paperwork ended up in the hands of the right people. And when they tried to delay is another 9 days she refused citing what is in the best interest of our children.
Through all of this she communicated openly via text, voice message, and calls. She was straight forward and honest yet sensitive and compassionate. After dealing with all of this she also rearranged our hotel stays and scheduled our hired drivers. I'm my opinion she is basically super woman.
So Tuesday, she will take the twins along with their roster mother to the doctor in order to keep our timeline on track. Then Wednesday morning at 830 am local time we will be united with our children.  As you can imagine, this momma is counting the minutes until then.
Tuesday our main priorities are rest and preparation for Wednesday. We are both a bit sunburnt and a bit worn out.
Pray for our physical well being.
Pray for our twins as they go to the doctor today.
Pray for understanding and bonding as we finally meet tomorrow.
Pray for their roster family. They have raised these little ones for 3 years. Tomorrow will be hard but we are so thankful for them.
Pray for our legal rep Sara. She is working so hard. I can not imagine doing this without her.
Finally thank you for all the extractive prayed thus far. We wouldn't be here without our awesome tribe!
Love, peace, and hope from Colombia.

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