Sunday, January 31, 2016

It doesn't happen by accident

Oh my goodness.  I can not tell you how much I love our community.  That extends to a lot of people.  We have great family, great friends, great coworkers.  I was reminded of this again today.
Look at this cutie!  She kicked off our morning right after we arrived at church.  This little and her mom have been a big part of our story and important part of our community.  Seeing her in this shirt gave me great joy.  I can't wait for play dates with our children and this beautiful little girl!  
Now as I said, we had just arrived at church.  Our church is a big and important part of our community.  We love The Point.  Every week it is repeated, "Come as you are.  Text in your questions."  This has been nothing but true.  There have been days I've laughed until my stomach hurt and days I sobbed through most of the service.  I can come in this place no matter what my clothing looks like and even on days when my attitude isn't in check.  The people here love me for me.  They also love our family.  They are an amazing support system through the hard questions, long waiting, and emotional roller coaster that is our journey.  
Today during service, Pastor Matt talked about adoption.  He spoke about how Paul illustrates our adoption to God through Christ in Galatians.  Matt said, "Adoption isn't something you do by accident."  
Wow.  What truth.  If you look back our adoption journey started more than a decade ago.  God started planting seeds.  Now we have done about 100 pages of paperwork, background checks, a lot of research, a couple hours of training, and made a significant financial commitment.  Adoption isn't something you do by accident.  
So why would the bible use this imagery?  Because God made a deliberate choice in making us his children.  We become heirs to kingdom.  There was a plan and a process.  It took time and significant effort, but we were chosen.  How cool is that?  You were wanted.  You were chosen.  You were adopted...and adoption isn't something you do by accident.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Adoption....and Beachbody?

A few months ago, a friend kept nudging me to get involved in Team Beachbody.  I had a list of excuses a mile long, starting with I was too busy and followed quickly by I can't afford it.  But God was using this friend in my life.  She wasn't pushy, but she stuck around until I was ready to take a leap.  At the end of August, I decided to give it a shot.  I ordered a challenge pack with a workout plan, meal plan, and nutrient dense Shakeology.  I was done hating my body.  I was done being stressed and depressed.  I needed a fresh start.  Beachbody has done that for me.  I have lots over 30 pounds and 15 inches.  My workout is my stress relief, and I don't know how I survived long days working on my feet before drinking Shakeology.
And now, some of you are sitting there thinking, "Isn't this an adoption blog?"  It certainly is.  Normally I wouldn't even mention Beachbody on here but last week these worlds collided.  We were going through some more requirements for Colombia.  One of those is based on the BMI scale...that's right there are height/weight requirements.  Because of Beachbody, I am healthier than I have been in a really long time.  I am so thankful God led me this way.  Now, Tyler will be jumping in with me.
Our house is becoming healthier one step at a time.  We are ready to be the best parents we can possibly be for the children God is leading us to.  Clean eating, engaging workouts, and being a part of a great team!  Our support system keeps growing.  Here is to a brand new 2016!

We are so excited to see the beautiful journey God is leading us on.  He is continuing to provide for this journey financially as well.  Remember those change jars we talked about a few months ago?   They have provided over $300!!!  God is so good!  We just ordered our first round of shirts as well.  We chose the design because we firmly believe in the HOPE of adoption and the HOPE of Christ.

We have ordered a variety of sizes ranging from Youth XS through Adult 3XL.  They will be $12 each or $15 if you need them to be shipped.  Let one of us know if you would like one.  After the first 50, we will do a more specialized order to make sure we have sizes for everyone who is interested.  Y'all are awesome.  Thanks for being a part of our village.