Look at this cutie! She kicked off our morning right after we arrived at church. This little and her mom have been a big part of our story and important part of our community. Seeing her in this shirt gave me great joy. I can't wait for play dates with our children and this beautiful little girl!
Now as I said, we had just arrived at church. Our church is a big and important part of our community. We love The Point. Every week it is repeated, "Come as you are. Text in your questions." This has been nothing but true. There have been days I've laughed until my stomach hurt and days I sobbed through most of the service. I can come in this place no matter what my clothing looks like and even on days when my attitude isn't in check. The people here love me for me. They also love our family. They are an amazing support system through the hard questions, long waiting, and emotional roller coaster that is our journey.
Today during service, Pastor Matt talked about adoption. He spoke about how Paul illustrates our adoption to God through Christ in Galatians. Matt said, "Adoption isn't something you do by accident."
Wow. What truth. If you look back our adoption journey started more than a decade ago. God started planting seeds. Now we have done about 100 pages of paperwork, background checks, a lot of research, a couple hours of training, and made a significant financial commitment. Adoption isn't something you do by accident.
So why would the bible use this imagery? Because God made a deliberate choice in making us his children. We become heirs to kingdom. There was a plan and a process. It took time and significant effort, but we were chosen. How cool is that? You were wanted. You were chosen. You were adopted...and adoption isn't something you do by accident.